Concord as morphological realization:

A novel approach to numeral constructions


  • Anna Grabovac University College London


concord, numerals, agreement, case, phi-features


Concord refers to the kind of agreement phenomena typically found in the nominal domain. Many have argued for a unified analysis of agreement and concord since both involve the sharing of features among elements. Others contend that the differences between agreement and concord are non-negligible, and that unifying the two produces overcomplicated theories. This paper follows the latter approach and maintains a distinction between concord and agreement. Inspired by Norris’ (2014) theory, I take concord to result from the spell-out of features from dominating nodes on available terminals. In addition to a simpler account of general concord, the proposed analysis offers a novel approach to the complex patterns displayed by Slavic higher numeral constructions. The strength of the system is illustrated through derivations of examples from Russian, Polish, and BCMS.




How to Cite

Grabovac, A. “Concord As Morphological realization:: A Novel Approach to Numeral Constructions”. Journal of Slavic Linguistics, vol. 32, no. FASL issue, Dec. 2024, pp. 1-19,



FASL 31 proceedings