Andreii Danylenko: Slavica et Islamica: Ukrainian in Context
This work (hereafter, SIUC) is an impressive compilation of articles published by Danylenko over the past several years, covering wide scholarly research, including items of interest for linguists of all areas, e.g., historical linguistics, phonology/morphology, sociolinguistics, translation, the linguistics/evolution interface, etc., as well as for historians.
On one level, SIUC would be difficult to cover in less than its own book-length review. Aside from masses of comment-worthy items, it offers a wide range of valuable commentary on more general topics. Here, therefore, much of the commentary will inevitably center on selected points (e.g., the discussions of the Arabic/East Slavic linguistic interface, Isačenko’s have-be framework, the Igor Tale), though readers might feel that certain topics deserved more detail in a review, and others less.