Vol. 32 No. FASL issue
This FASL issue was edited by Ivona Kučerová, Audrey Ho, and Ethan Stollar.
Vol. 31 No. FASL issue
This FASL issue was edited by Tatiana Bondarenko, Peter Grishin, and Anton Kuhto.
Vol. 30 No. FASL 29 extra issue
This is the FASL 29 extra issue. It consists of papers presented at the Formal Approaches to Slavic Languages meeting organized by University of Washington in 2020. This issue was editted by Barbara Citko and Katarzyna Dziwirek.
Vol. 29 No. FASL 28 extra issue
This is the first FASL extra issue of JSL. It was guest-edited by Andrei Antonenko, John F. Bailyn, Lei Liu, and Anna Melnikova. It consists of 13 papers presented at the annual workshop on Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics organized in May 2019 at Stony Brook University (the second Stony Brook meeting).
Up until FASL 27, FASL proceedings were published by Michigan Slavic Publications.
Silver Anniversary Issue
Vol. 25 No. 2 (2017)Special Issue - Silver Anniversary Issue
Edited by: Stephen M. Dickey, Laura A. Janda, Keith Langston, and Catherine Rudin 2016
Vol. 24 No. 1 (2016)
Special Issue: Agreement in Slavic
Edited by: Boban Arsenijević, Marijana Kresić, Nedžad Leko, Andrew Nevins, and Jana Willer-Gold 2015
Vol. 21 No. 1 (2013)
Special issue: Aspect in Slavic: Creating Time, Creating Grammar
Edited by Laura A. Janda